![Acrylic Painting: Water and Reflections](https://mispillionarts.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/Applebaum-Marina1-Joan-Applebaum.jpg)
Instructor: Joan Applebaum Date(s): Fridays, May 3, 10, 17, 24 Time: 1 pm – 4 pm # Of Classes: 4 Age group: 18 years + Maximum # of students: 10 Skill level: Intermediate Medium: Acrylic Material list: No Materials fee: No Members: $154; Nonmember: $192 Description: Water and reflections can be challenging to paint but also lots of fun. In this case we will be learning some tips for painting still water, moving water, ripples and waves. Reflections in the water will give us the opportunity to get a little abstract and add life to the painting. This class is geared toward students with some acrylic paint experience.
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